Stardew Valley rambles
CW // Spoilers & cringe

Got into Stardew Valley around late 2022. I don't fully remember why I started playing, I knew about it for years but never installed it. I think I saw it on PS Vita and tried to download it but couldn't get it to run so I ended up pirating it on my PC. Shouldn't have pirated, I'm missing so many achivments on steam now lol.

When I first started playing Stardew I got around 70+ within 2 weeks... had no clue what I was doing so it took me till my 2nd/3rd year to finish all of the bundles and talk to anyone besides just Sebastian. Eventually bought it because I wanted to play multiplayer. Anyway I LOVE MINING. I think most of my time on stardew has been mining.


Of course with starting a new game my brain has to pick a new random character to be my favorite after 5s of looking at them. No supprise at all. Sebastian ended up being my fave, I love emo boys. For the first few weeks I mainly focusd on getting points with sebby. would literally sit in front of his door to wait until his emo boy ass walked out to give him the tear drop I fought for in the mines.
he's just like me

Cut scenes
Taking screen shots from around the web because I didn't take many of my own (the players are not me)

  • 2 hearts motorcycle scene

  • 10 hearts motorcycle scene ARGHHHHHHHHHH really wish I got my own screen shots instead of some other rando player but yeah. I love this scene so much.


i think i wanna marry Caroline if i ever start up another farm

Other Characters

Shane's dock scene was very. youch. relat... too hard..


["You ever feel like... no matter what you do, you're gonna fail? ...Like you're stuck in some misserble abyss and you're so deep you can't even see the light of day?"
"I Just feel like no matter how hard I try... I'm not strong enough to climb out of that hole."]

Not to be cringe and personal but when I frist got this scene it hit real hard. extreamly hard. ouchie.

Anyway I love shane he's kinda rude when you first start talking to him (which to me I just find funny) he's great when you get his points up.
He sends entire pizzas in the mail how does he fit them in there. what a werido, love em.