Site Archive

Meowbark2000 Current [7/29/2023]

It's no where near perfect but I think I'm going to fix it up a bit soon, the bottom area is still pretty messy

Meowbark2000 #3 [7/??/2023]

I wasn't too proud of this layout so I re-did it AGIAN

Meowbark2000 #2 [6/27/2023]

I kinda wanna make fun of myself here. why did i type like that. I still like this layout though.

Meowbark2000 First layout [4/26/2023]

The first layout of meowbark2000! It looks ugly but I was so proud of myself!! I had wanted to make a neocities for years but learning html was hard, I never really went over the basics because I learn through activity not reading.

I got a base from petitgarcon and spent a lot of time messing around with the code having no clue what i was doing, i looked at others sites to get ideas, and looked up everything I wanted on my site but didn't know how to code. The only code editor I used was neocities which was terrible! anyway I'm very glad to see my progress.

DRAMAtical Murder shrine [7/23/2023]

Decided to make a dramatical murder shrine first because I was really hyperfixated on it for sometime! although I'm not hyperfixated on it anymore it's still special to me.

Meowbark4000 [9/30/2022]

This was my first neocities, I started it as a place 4 hording web graphics but I eventually wanted to make more which is why meowbark2000 was made, I was having trouble logging in mb4000 so thats why I didn't just add on to it. Some of my webgraphics here are still hosted on 4000 and I got the password back and sometimes upload graphics to it
