
he/him, I'm a guy ✧ INTP uzudere ✧
Seven is feeling... The current mood of meowbark at www.imood.com

My name is seven welcome to my cringe lair! this is a little place to show my love for my intrests or just talk about whatever I want. I can be pretty shy or bad at talking but I try my best.

!! Taking inspo from my site or using my graphics is O.K! just link me on your site if you do so !! Email

About some of my intrests: I've been into anime since 2015 I love tragedy, denpa, BL, visual novels, and I like old stuff a lot. Some hobbies I have: websurfing, art, gaming, etc.

Some big fave media:


11/17/2024 updated blog

10/28/2024 added Tech Pg

10/17/2024 added buttons, updated clique, new guestbook

2/23/2024 updated main page

2/22/2024 updated photo blog & blog

1/23/2024 Fujoshi Clique up!

1/18/2024 Added source page

12/25/2023 Reveiw page up! added to Hadaka Shitsuji reveiw

12/25/2023 updated photo blog & blog

12/15/2023 added to photo blog

10/18/2023 Redid Index page

10/3/2023 Site archive and site map made

9/25/2023 Updated graphics and 00s shrine page

9/19/2023 new about me page

9/12/2023 img blog added

9/3/2023 art page made

8/31/2023 fixed main a bit

8/28/2023 august log

8/25/2023 imgur hosting banished to the shadow realm

8/4/2023 changed blog layout + started aug blog

8/2/2023 finished dmmd shrine

7/31/2023 updated graphics page

7/29/2023 New Layout!!

7/25/2023 New game blog

7/22/2023 messed up my site had to put cliques and fan listings BACK on main, very lame.

7/20/2023 rearranged home page, made 00s shrine

7/12/2023 new blog

7/10/2023 added about me page

6/27/2023 fixed layout

6/25/2023 added blog page

6/20/2023 added cool sites page

Seven is eating a burrito with
Ryuichi Sakuma from Gravitation!


> To do
Finish vocaloid shrine
fix up index page
> Status
meowbark ☀️ 57 days ago
joy and whimsy

My button tell me if you use it I'll link back!

Favorite sites
powered by Surfing Waves
!! Cliques !!

Seven is a proud fudanshi

Exvius :: GUARDIAN

Seven is the knight of denpa!

my jam!! my honey in the tragic dimention ||

Gakupo Kaito

Gilbert Cocteau is Mine!

I Yume Nikki music!

under the protection of Mars

I am angelic ♥

BOOYAH! Seven is part of the INKLING SQUAD!

My favorite food is: Sweet Bread

Seven is the Makoto Mita of the internet

Noutarin - 4.22.2023