he/him ♂ // 18 // INTP // Uzadere-Dandere //

My name is Seven, I have a lot of intrests and hobbies and so this site was made as a place for those things.
I've been into anime and vocaloid since 2015 and I love old things, drawing, coding and just making things in general. Not that active at the moment.

Special intrests: Almost all my hobbies and intrest range within the 90s-early 2000s. Almost all of the stuff in my room is old, I love antquies and trinkets, old tech, websites, games, etc.
I like Web surfing and looking for old sites, cosplays, con vids/photos.
Hobbies? I like making things and collecting, so drawing, sewing, photography, music, coding. I've been learning Japanese on and off for about 8 years
Games? 00s MMOs, rhythm, denpa, visual novels, old games, and rpg horror.
Favorite games

Music? some of my favorites are, vocaloid, trance, divorsed dad music, nu metal, goth, and random CDs. Nashimoto-p is my all time favorite.
Favorite music artists

Fav animanga n stuff

Cringe Board (kins)

before you interact
I can be pretty shy, I suck at talking but I try my best.
I'm not super active on soical media, right now I only use media tracking sites, steam, and here.
I have c-ptsd (im working on recovering/coping)
I don't have a DNI but I block and bully bigots like: terfs, racists, etc.
Also I hate discorse, I like to like things without hearing how they're problematic.