Welcome! Fujoshi.Web is a clique for fujin and fans of BL that want to share their love for the genre.
This is my first web project, I wanted to start making more BL related things for other fans to have fun with as well !
Email Members: 18
Newest member: Newest member: CTHRSIS [18+]
> How do I join?
- Read the rules
- Put a clique or as many as you'd like on your site.
- Fill the form and I will email you once you've been added
Banner - Keiko Takemiya, 風と木の詩 || Text - cooltext.com || Pixel
Dividers - Tumblr ||
Cliques - By me
Made on a 4:3 20yr old CRT so sorry if it looks bad on bigger screens right now..... I will fix it later ^^;